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Reprezent: The Sound of Young London

A forward-thinking radio station, a well-established training company and an incubator for young talent, helping unleash potential.

Reprezent has fast become one of south London’s greatest exports and has a cult following. Now in its sixth year (it got its FM licence in 2011, but has been online since 2009) the station has been crucial in spotting and elevating artists such as grime stars Stormzy and Novelist, alongside DJs such as Jamz, DJ Neptizzle and Mim Shake. Much of its appeal lies in the fact that it’s a place where you’re as likely to hear exclusive grime performances as chats about cutting shapes or the local Chicken Cottage’s Ramadan special.

The station has a team of mentors who facilitate more than 2,000 13 to 25-year-olds a year, and its young presenters are key to its success as a taste making radio station. One of them is 15-year-old DJ Eliane Appassamy, who presents a hip-hop show. “I’ve been here for a year now. I play a lot of hip-hop ... and Krept and Konan. My whole school is on a Reprezent vibe.”

The freedom of Reprezent’s doors encourages a diversity that’s representative of a changing Britain. Both musically and socially, Reprezent is leading London’s youth culture.

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