Pop Brixton

Pop Brixton Presents University of Dub ft. Jah Youth

University of Dub

University of Dub’s aim is to spread the teachings of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, conquering Lion of Judah to a global audience. Founded through the inspiration of H.I.M. University of Dub has been dedicated to the promotion of Roots Reggae sound systems, for the progress and upliftment of the community,

UOD has its roots in Brixton. The first sound system events were held at The Brixton Recreation Centre during the late nineties and early 2000s.

For many of the up and coming sound systems UOD provided a springboard for their sound to be heard and launched their careers.

Jah youth

Jah Youth Roots Ambassador the uplifting sound of sounds has been playing roots reggae music since 1975.

The Roots Ambassador family includes singers and DJs such as Prince Liv-I-Jah, Uwimana, Ras Sherby, G Vibes and crew members Natty Alex, Brian de Lion and Rim Bim alongside Jah Youth the operator.